The Pearl program is a program under Kasr El Dobara Evangelical Church (KDEC), affiliated with International Psychotherapy School in Christian Culture (IPSICC) program based in Denmark ( The Pearl program began in 2008 with a vision to empower abuse and trauma survivors in Egypt and the Arab world, by restoring their spiritual, psychological and vocational life. Participants are church leaders, Coptic priests, pastors and their wives, and Christian counselors.
Our call / aim / vision
Pearl aims at training lay counselor/ministers and leaders to minister to individual and group survivors through pastoral academic based counseling and group therapy, by offering the Middle East School of (sexual) Abuse and Related Pastoral based (professional) Counseling (MESERPAC).
Since the launching of the Arab spring moves, in early 2011, it was so obvious that the need is rising to abuse and trauma recovery; and the focus has ever been on training lay people and professionals to minister to sexual abuse and any other severe trauma, similar to war trauma, survivors.
Sexual abuse with all its range is rampant in Egypt and the Arab World. Sexual abuse survivors are everywhere and no one speaks let alone tackles this taboo. We want to help sexual abuse survivors and increase awareness that changes our culture over time.
Board and staff
Dr. Mervat Raouf
Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery, Master Degree in Psychotherapy, Master degree in Education. Founder of the ministry, and Medical and Technical consultant of the pearl program.
Dr. Heba Kostandy
Bachelor degree in language,Specialized degree in Interpretation, Master degree in Christian Counseling , Doctoral Studies in Psychological Counseling and Pearl Program Director
Dr. Somaya Zaky
Bachelor degree in Pharmacy.
Master degree in Psychotherapy.
Pearl program’s Instructor, Counseling Supervisor, and Counselor
Margrette Hanna
Bachelor Degree in Commerce, Master Degree in Psychotherapy, Administrative Officer of the program , Pearl program’s Instructor, Counseling Supervisor, Counselor, and group therapist
Amany Waheeb
High Institute For Social Service
Program Financial Officer: Accounting, Treasury, and budgets
Margo Atef
Bachelor of Arts, Major Psychology Administrative Coordinator for MESERPAC School Program Logistics Officer
Marina Naim
Faculty of Commerce Business administration Counseling and supervision sessions Coordinator Administrative Coordinator for Master’s Program